Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Rules and Procedures

Here is a presentation of my basic classroom rules and procedures. (Click here to view the Rules and Procedures presentation)

1. Stay Focused
W.I.N.                   Ask Yourself: What’s important Now?
       Say NO to distractions!
       Don’t get distracted
       Don’t be a distraction
       Stay in your seats
      Don’t wander around the room
      Don’t line up at the door
       Keep your electronic devices put away
Rule #2. Be Respectful
       Rule #2: Be Respectful with each other
       No teasing
       No bullying
       No bad language
       Just be nice!
       Rule #2: Be Respectful with the classroom
       Don’t sit on the desks
       No food or drinks
      Except water in a clear container
       Gum is okay but I don’t want to
      See it
      Hear it
      Find it
Rule #3: Be Prepared
       Come to class with your materials every day
       Turn your assignments in on time.
       Listen for due dates
       Use your planner
       Check the class website and skyward often
      Do your homework so you can contribute to the class!
Rule #4. Do Quality Work
       Always put your name and class period on your papers!
       Make sure your work is legible and neat
       Put papers in folders for protection – don’t just shove them in your pack or pockets
       Complete assignments – don’t leave blanks
      IDK is not an appropriate response on most assignments.
      Try harder! Be creative!
Basic Rules: 
       Stay Focused!
       Be Respectful
       Be Prepared
       Do Quality Work

Basic Procedures…
      Each week you receive 10 citizenship points.
      If you break class rules you lose points.  
Off Limits

       Fort Richins
       The Man Cave
       The Recycling Can Closet
       The back wall -- Please don’t touch the back wall – it’s noisy
       Line up quickly and quietly along the back of the room. When we’re in a single file line and quiet, I’ll lead you to the event.
       If we have to leave in a hurry, we’ll go out the West exit and meet in the back field.
Hall Passes
       You get two hall pass coupons per quarter.
       Remember to wear the vest
       3 minutes max
       Be nice to the books!
       Don’t write in them!
       Don’t throw them!
       Don’t drool on them!
Turning in assignments
       Assignments are turned in to the baskets by the back door
       When I’m done grading them the assignments will be sorted to your individual folder in your class box.
       Check the “No Name” folder in the class box for missing work
Late Work
       Automatic 10% deduction
       After one week, the most you can get is 50% credit for the assignment
Bell Ringers
       One sheet will last two weeks (so don’t lose it!)
       Questions will be posted on the board at the beginning of class.
       Bell-Ringers are not excused. If you’re absent you need to make it up.
Make up your starters
       If you were absent, you will need to get the starter from the day you missed.
       How do I make up starters?
       Find the question for the day you missed on the Bell-Ringer Bulletin Board
       Go Online and download the questions for the week. 

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