Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer's Fading -- How's your APHUGE homework?

Hello AP Geography Students! I hope you are enjoying your summer -- I know I am!

 Summer is quickly unfolding though and we'll be back to school before you can say,"But I haven't even started my summer homework!!" With that in mind I want to give you a quick reminder and a few details about the summer assignment for AP Human Geography.

 First the Maps: Remember you need to have all the countries labeled, colored, and memorized. Don't worry about the little "important cities" dots on the maps. Just focus on the countries from the list in your packet. We will have some quizzes during the first week to test you knowledge of where the countries of the world are located. So remember to study! Have your friends or family quiz you. You can also find online quizzes -- like .

The other part of your summer assignment is to read a geography themed book and write a review about it. If you haven't started yet -- better get on it! You can find a list of books to choose from in the packet. If you find another book you think would work, just send me an email ( The packet also contains instructions on how to write the book review. There was a small typo in the numbering in the book review instructions (section 4 was labeled as setion 5 -- oops). I've uploaded a newer version of the packet that fixes the typo and gives a little more instruction on the front cover. You can find it on the AP Human Geography page at

Good luck and enjoy the rest of your summer!

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